Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Busy Morning

I slept through the night again!!! It is a miracle. I fell asleep watching a movie last night at like 9:30, got up at 10 and went straight to bed then woke up alittle after 5:30. Sleeping is awesome :)

I got up at 6am to go lay traps for the feral cats. I have 7 traps this time! But I only set 3 because I need to wait and see if they have room for anymore. I already trapped one. She got in the cage but not in all the way and she was so busy eating I was able to sneak up behind her and snap the trap closed.

Tomorrow I am taking them to another spay clinic. We get them spayed and some shots and flea meds then release them back. If I can catch 7 Ill be pretty much done with this colony. But I doubt I will have that much luck. I have already caught and released 6 cats from here and not alot more make this their permanent home but travel so we will see.

No bike ride this morning though. Way too tired after caring out all those traps. I am exhausted and a sweaty mess ewww. I also really need to invest in bug spray because I am covered in mosquito bites.

I am excited to go help out at the clinic tomorrow. I really love doing it. It is alot of work but so worth it. This will be my third time doing it.

As soon as my DH wakes up we are supposed to go shopping but I doubt that will really happen lol. We didn't go shopping last week so we are in dire need of restocking. I should probably make a quick list.

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