Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Blizzard + New Years

Well my post yesterday about winter couldn't have come at a better time. Today we got hit by a blizzard, lake effect snow and icy & cold. Not fun walking weather. When I woke up I planned to use the Wii but my legs were ultra sore. I decided it is best to listen to my body and take a rest day. No point in pushing myself and getting hurt. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better.

I ate horrible today. No binges but I ate alot of not healthy foods and alot of them.I partly blame it on my DH being home. It isn't his fault, all mine. But for some reason it is so much harder for me to stay on track when he is around. Must figure out why.

I got a book/video combo at the store yesterday for yoga. It was on sale half off. I couldn't resist. The book goes through all the poses and has pictures so it is easy to follow. I will start adding yoga back into my routine. I just need to make myself a spot where I can do it in.

I can't believe it is almost a new year. I am a bit sad that I didn't do things sooner. I could have been where I wanted to be at already if I had. But I can't change the past. So there is nothing left to do other then look forward.

I am copying Sparkpeople's Goal setting guide.

Step 1: Write down your goal in as few words as possible.
My goal is to: Hit Onderland

Step 2: Make your goal detailed and SPECIFIC.
By April 1st 2015 I want to be under 200lbs.

HOW will you reach this goal? List at least 3 action steps you'll take (be specific): 
1. Track my Calories daily.
2. Exercise atleast 5 days a week.
3. Eat more fruits and veggies
4. Watch my carbs.
Step 3: Make your goal is MEASUREABLE.
Add details, measurements and tracking details.
I will measure/track my goal by using the following numbers or methods: 
I will weigh in every Sunday.

I will know I've reached my goal when:
I am under 200lbs

Step 4: Make your goal ATTAINABLE.
What additional resources do you need for success?
Items I need to achieve this goal: I am using to track my calories and fitbit to track my exercise. 
People I can talk to for support: my sister, sparkfriends, and for support.

Step 5: Make your goal RELEVANT.
List why you want to reach this goal:
I want to be healthy and happier. In better shape. And closer to my ultimate weight goal.
Step 6: Make your goal TIMELY.
Put a deadline on your goal and set some benchmarks.
I will reach my goal by (date): 04/01/2015
My halfway measurement will be  210lbs by 02/01/2015

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