Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Winter VS Fitness Goals

So I set myself some goals to walk twice everyday from now on. It sounded perfect. Problem was when I made these plans we had a bubble of beautiful weather. Now today it has been snowing all day and is cold as hell.

I still walked this morning and tonight in the snow. Even though the snow was blowing directly into my face which made it very unpleasant. But it made me start thinking....

I can walk in alittle bit of snow but when it gets icy... no way am I walking. Ill break my head lol I have enough trouble staying on two feet when it isn't icy.

So that surely puts a kink in my plan.

So on bad snowy or icy days I will either do Walk Away the Pounds dvd or Wii fit instead for 30+ mins.

Stupid winter bleh :( lol

Anyways I am having an ok day. Still having a hard time getting up early but I am not super trying to either right now. I'm not napping so I consider it a win.

Food wise I didn't do great today. But I didn't binge. I ate bad stuff but I stopped when I was full. I did get some fruit snacks which I swear is like crack to me. But I recorded their calories and wow they are way worse then I thought. 77 carbs for a package! Not getting those again.

I bought some strawberries at the store and can't wait to have some with breakfast tomorrow. Yum!

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